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CounselingNH E-Zine, Issue #012 Children and Sports
October 07, 2008

Welcome to CounselingNH E-Zine. We hope you will be pleased with your subscription. You will be receiving valuable information, tips and resources of ways to enhance your family, marriage, relationships and parenting in our bi-weekly issues. The E-Zine will come out every other Tuesday so be looking for that in your e-mail inbox. Enjoy!

October 7, 2008

Volume 1, Issue #012 Children and Sports

A Note From Jim

Feature Article: Children and Sports

A Note From Jim:

Hello, Jim here. We've been talking lately about children and their needs as they have returned to school. In this issue we're going to be addressing children and sports. In our society sports are an important part of childhood. Below, we're offering some of our thoughts on this subject. _________________________________________________________________

Children and Sports

Playing sports provide children with the opportunity to interract with peers while developing physical skills and teammanship. Sports begin for youngsters at a young age in this country. Each region of the country has its favorite sports for kids. Standard sports include baseball, soccer and basketball. Some areas also offer football, ice hockey, lacrosse and field hockey. Other sports such as track, swimming and gymnastics are frequently available.

Very young children ages four to eight should be focused primarily on just having fun and good sportsmanship. They are also learning basic principles of the game. During the upper elementary school years children begin to concentrate on skill development while still primarily having fun. Sports become more competitive during the middle school years. This continues to be a skill building time and a time that sportsmanship is highly stressed. Team work must also be stressed during this time. Girls are much more likely to function as a team at this age due to their natural inclination to relate to one another. Boys can learn but have to be taught to pass the ball, function as a group and place less emphasis on individual achievement. The child's ability to see and anticipate the best next play in a sport that requires team work is more important than skill proficiency at this age. Skills can always be developed at any time but the individual's ability to see, anticipate and cooperate for the best interest of the team is essential. A team that plays well together is a much more worthy adversary than a collection of competent individuals who are each trying to beat the other team. The high school student who presents a good sense of sportsmanship, prowess and competence as a "team player" is a well developed athlete.

Until next time,

Jim Foster

_________________________________________________________________ Recommendations:Parent Success Program What a great way to begin the school year. Our Parent Success Program is a skills based course in parenting. The course covers parenting from birth to adulthood. It is a discussion based class where parents talk about challenges that they are encountering along their parenting journey. Parents discuss, learn and are encouraged. The more involved a parent is increases the liklihood of raising happy and well adjusted children. Our goal is to help,guide and nurture parents so they in turn will confidently help, guide and nurture their children. Please call our office to inquire about your Parent Success Program.(603)668-7744. Parents may attend any or all of the classes. Please see the curriculum in the parenting section of our website

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All the Best,

Jim Foster

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