Relationship ProblemsGood relationships are the most important, nurturing, rewarding and sacred experiences we can have in our lives. Our beginning skills for developing, maintaining and repairing relationships were gained earlier in life during the developmental stages of childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. If our earlier development was positive and healthy, we will have more useful skills than if our development was troubled and problem laiden. Relationship problems may co-occur with or may be influenced by mental health , substance abuse or trauma issues. Our earlier experience and co-occuring issues will determine the nature of counseling most useful to us when we encounter difficulties in relationships. The relationship problems people encounter may include difficulties with intimate partners, family members, in-laws, co-workers, friends or acquaintences. Regardless of the source of difficulty, people are encouraged to seek counseling to assist them in working through relationship problems. This therapy may occur individually or along with the person who shares the difficulty.